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ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਚ ਜੋਹਾਨ ਸੇਬਾਸਿਅਨ ਬਾਕ – ਜੀਵਨ, ਤੱਥ, ਜੀਵਨੀ

Des weiteren wenn schon diesmal trat Thomas Höft wieder selber auf - er war der Maître de Plaisir, der durch die Ensemblestücke leitete des weiteren die Auftritte des Königs ankündigte. Wahrlich war er auch in solcher Rolle Jeglicher der seit Jahren gewohnte „Warm upper“, aber ehrlich gesagt: wie schrulliger, zwar sich selber stets in Milieu setzender, aber umherwandern doch nicht allzu sehr rein den Vordergrund drängender Haushofmeister war er diesmal jedenfalls viel lieber passend.

Felix Mendelssohn significantly contributed to the renewed interest hinein Bach's work with his 1829 Berlin performance of the St Matthew Passion, which was instrumental rein Rahmen off what has been called the Bach Revival. The St John Passion saw its 19th-century premiere hinein 1833, and the first performance of the Mass in B minor followed rein 1844. Besides these and other public performances and an increased coverage on the composer and his compositions in printed media, the 1830s and 1840s also saw the first publication of more vocal works by Bach: six cantatas, the St Matthew Passion, and the Mass rein B minor.

Сопрано и альтов Бах набирал из числа учащихся мальчиков, а теноров и басов — не только из школы, но и со всего Лейпцига. Кроме регулярных концертов, оплачиваемых городскими властями, Бах со своим хором подрабатывали исполнением на свадьбах и похоронах.

The fact that no other composer of the period, with the arguable exception of Deal, even remotely approached Bach’s achievement indicates clearly enough that the application of the “mechanical” procedures welches not literally “automatic” but was controlled throughout by something else—artistic discrimination, or taste. One of the most respected attributes hinein the culture of the 18th century, “taste” is an utterly individual compound of raw talent, imagination, psychological disposition, judgment, skill, and experience. It is unteachable and unlearnable.

Since the 19th-century Bach Revival he has been generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.

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Unmut flared up again hinein July 1736; it then took the form of a dispute over Bach’s right to appoint prefects and became a public scandal. Fortunately for Bach, he became court composer to the elector of Saxony in Nebelmonat 1736. As such, after some delay, he welches able to induce his friends at court to hold an official inquiry, and his dispute with Ernesti welches settled hinein 1738. The exact terms of the settlement are not known, but thereafter Bach did as he liked.

Bach’s counterpoint is among the most careful and precise ever conceived; the complexity of it is captivating to composers and non-composers alike, and contains as many as five melodies all harmonizing with each other at once. This combination of Urfassung melodic style and masterful counterpoint forged a powerful influence on later composers. Several notable composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Mendelssohn increased their attention to harmony and wrote more complex works after being introduced to Bach.

Хотя вся месса целиком никогда не исполнялась при жизни композитора, сегодня многие считают её check here одним из лучших хоровых произведений всех времён.

Кроме того, инструмент поддерживался в хорошем состоянии и был настроен по новой системе, расширявшей возможности композитора и исполнителя. В этот период Бах создал много органных произведений.

Bach wrote music for single instruments, duets, and other small ensembles. For unaccompanied solo violin he composed a set of six sonatas and partitas, and he also produced a similar Satz for cello and another for lute.

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Вопреки распространённому мифу, Бах после смерти не был забыт. Правда, это касалось произведений для клавира: его сочинения исполнялись и издавались, использовались в дидактических целях. В церкви продолжали звучать произведения Баха для органа, в постоянном обиходе были органные гармонизации хоралов.

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